Mike Alleyne, author of "The Encyclopedia of Reggae..."

We recently asked Mike Alleyne, author of The Encyclopedia of Reggae: The Golden Age of Roots Reggae if he had any favorite music books or anything recent he might recommend. Here's what Mike chose, adding "These are just three of many possible eclectic choices!" Have a look...



Jazz Rock: A History by Stuart Nicholson

It’s rare that this often neglected and critically dismissed genre is given the historical treatment it deserves. This book really provides a valuable exploration of jazz rock fusion and its long-term creative significance, often addressing acts overdue for greater examination.




The Art of Music Production by Richard James Burgess.

It’s more of an academic, analytical book, but anyone seriously interested in the realities of record production should read this. The author knows that world first-hand, having had a particularly successful run as a producer in the 1980s before diversifying into other aspects of the music business. He provides a clinical deconstruction of the producer’s role, crucially incorporating less tangible human dimensions into the discussion by referencing examples from his own experience.


Album: Style and Image in Sleeve Design by Nick de Ville.

This does a better job than most books of this type in tracking the evolution of graphics in popular music with pointed analysis. Chronologically structured, it takes the reader on a graphic journey that appropriately mirrors many of the musical transformations. The spotlights on specific graphic artists, designers and art directors lends additional depth to the narrative.




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